All of these courses and trainings are offered to our staff.
As 2023 we now have a full-time training division that offers all of this training and more! If you’re interested in broadening your knowledge apply today!
Advanced Use of Force:
- Criminal Code
- Liabilities
- Arrest procedure
- Safe use of handcuffs
- Baton use
- Safe Subject Control
Self Defence
- Creating space and escape
- Advanced verbal de-escalation
- Defensive control and restraint
- Incorporation of Jiu-Jitsu
- Escape and defence tactics
- Safe tactics for patrol and building clearing.
- Sharp edged weapon defense
Trespass to Property
- Legalities surrounding the act
- What action can be taken
- Identifying a trespasser vs authorized people
- When is it more than trespass
K9 Handler (patrol 1-3, including apprehension)
Situational Awareness
- Defensive driving tactics
- Safe positioning tactics
- Convoy (multi vehicle) driving tactics
- Winter driving safety
- Off road (uneven ground) safety
- Using vehicle for cover and as a barrier from a subject
- Naloxone safety and use
- Standard First Aid / CPR / Stop the Bleed
- BVM (Ball Valve Mask) use.
- Extrication techniques during an MVC
- Mental Health First Aid
- Understanding Addictions
Legalities of filming in public / private areas
- How to manage situations involving people recording.
- Legalities involved as per Canadian Criminal Code s. 184
MLEO for Parking enforcement
ID verification
All of these courses and trainings are offered to our staff.
As 2023 we now have a full-time training division that offers all of this training and more! If you’re interested in broadening your knowledge apply today!
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