K9ine Security partners with local car dealerships to protect against thefts and other criminal activities

Sep 19, 2022 | News | 0 comments

K9ine Security is proud to announce we are partnering with local car dealerships and auto repair shops across Northumberland County to protect dealerships against thefts, vandalism, trespassing and more through our Mobile Patrol and Asset Protection team.

Among vandalism, trespassing and other criminal acts that can be detrimental to a businesses success and profitability, Ontario police services are noting an exponential increase in catalytic converters thefts across the Province of Ontario.

What is a catalytic converter?

Catalytic converters are a key component in a vehicles exhaust system. Because the catalytic converter contains precious metals that are part of the exhaust conversion process, and also because the converters themselves are very expensive to buy, thieves have been targeting them as a means to make easy money on the illicit market.

How do catalytic converter thief’s typically operate?

Thieves targeting catalytic converters will usually operate at night and, although not exclusively, are most likely to gravitate toward those areas were a number of vehicles are parked and unattended like car dealerships and carpool parking lots. In order to get to the converters, a thief needs to access the underside of a vehicle and use metal cutting tools like saws or torches in order to cut the converter away from the exhaust system.

How can K9ine Security protect my business from these types of thefts?

K9ine Security not only provides highly trained guards that complete frequent site visits and inspections, our fully marked patrol vehicles provide a strong visual deterrent against criminal activity on and around your site. In the event that during a visit or inspection a criminal attends the site to steal or vandalize your property our guards are fully certified in use of force, and with the assistance of the local police will affect an arrest on site.

How do I sign my business up?

We’re glad you asked that! Please understand that we take your security and asset protection very seriously. By contacting us, we will ensure a security expert reaches out to you within 24-hours to begin the process. We can be reached by email at: sales@k9inesecurity.ca. Alternatively, our sales team can be reached by phone at: (905) 269-5467.